


A Study on the Correlations between Golf Short Putter Scores and Health-Related Physical Fitness of College Beginners


林彥均(Yen-Chun Lin)


高爾夫 ; 健康體適能 ; Golf ; health related physical fitness




12期(2016 / 12 / 01)


45 - 53




目的:本研究在了解健康體適能與大專初學高爾夫學生短推桿測驗成績之相關性。方法:本研究採實驗設計法,透過學習高爾夫運動課程的歷程,以未經過訓練的大專學生共291 人為本研究樣本,經12 週高爾夫球課程後,測驗高爾夫之短推桿成績的結果為基準,並同時施測健康體適能各項目,所得資料以SPSS12.0 統計軟體進行斯皮爾曼等級相關係數檢定分析各項體適能測驗項目與大專初學高爾夫學生短推桿測驗成績的相關性,再以多元逐步迴歸模式預測大專初學高爾夫學生短推桿測驗成績的體適能代表性項目。本研究顯著水準定為α<=.05。結果:研究顯示健康體適能項目有仰臥起坐一項呈正相關;多元逐步迴歸分析後首先被選入的為仰臥起坐其次為立定跳遠;大專初學高) =85.435+0.244× (仰臥起坐) + 0.49× (立定跳遠) 多元逐步迴歸模式達顯著,大專初學高爾夫學生短推桿測驗成績的解釋力達0.4%。結論:本研究結論可以歸納說明,大專初學高爾夫學生短推桿測驗成績,與健康體適能的肌耐力與瞬發力有相關的運動。


Purpose: This study aimed to understand the relations between the golf short putter scores and health-related physical fitness in the performances of college golf beginners. Method: Experimental design approach was employed to study the processes of golf learning. The research collected samples from 291 untrained college students and their scores of short putter from the start and after a 12-week course. These students took tests on health-related physical fitness activities in the course as well. These data were analyzed for the relations between performance of short putter golf scores and scores of health-related physical fitness activities, with SPSS 12.0 statistics software to calculate Spearman correlation coefficient. Stepwise multiple regression models were then deployed to predict which activities of health-related physical fitness that would impact on these subjects’ short putter golf scores. The significance standard of this study is α=.05. Results: The Results showed that there were positive correlations between the short putter scores of college golf beginners and the ability of practicng sit-ups, and, after analyzed with stepwise multiple regression models, fitness activities that affected the putter scores most was "sit-ups" and that "standing-long-jump" the second. The stepwise multiple regression formula of the golf short putter scores was as follows: (golf short putter scores of college students of beginner golf performance) = 85.435+.244× (the scores of sit-ups) +.049× (the scores of standing-long-jump). With the formula, the statistic of stepwise multiple regression models was the most significant and the explanatory validity of these subjects' short putter golf scores was 4%. Conclusion: This research concludes that the golf short putter performances of college beginners are positively related to muscular endurance and explosive force. Health-related physical fitness activities, consequently, have close relations with golf practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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