


Research on The Participative Event Service Quality on Event Attraction and Participants' Perceived Value


張智涵(Chih-Han Chang);陳裕霖(Yu-lin Chen);李昱叡(Yu-Jui Li)


COVID-19 ; 參與式賽會 ; 情感依附 ; COVID-19 ; Participative Event ; Emotional attachment




17期(2021 / 12 / 01)


47 - 62




目的:本研究旨在探討賽會服務品質對賽會吸引力與知覺價值之預測力。另外,面對COVID-19疫情期間,民眾對賽會選擇是否產生影響亦成為關注的焦點。方法:本研究選擇報名2021 UT OPEN羽球公開賽之參與者進行網路問卷發放,資料彙整以SPSS進行描述性統計,並針對各構面與因素間做皮爾森基差相關與多元逐步迴歸分析。結果:發現賽會服務品質與賽會吸引力對知覺價值皆有中度正相關;而賽會服務品質的有形性與關懷性,以及賽會吸引力的知名度、情感認知、交通便利與活動規劃等六個構面因素,皆會顯著正向影響知覺價值。結論:賽會服務品質與賽會吸引力對知覺價值皆呈現顯著正向影響。讓民眾願意花更多地時間與金錢參與此羽球賽會是主辦單位力求之目標,期望透過本研究對賽會活動影響因素的探究,進一步瞭解民眾參與賽會的動機所在,進而提供更完善的客製化服務,致使賽會活動辦理能更加圓滿。


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the predictive power of event service quality on event attraction and perceived value. In addition, in the face of covid-19 epidemic, whether the people have an impact on the choice of the events has also become the focus of attention. Method: In study, participants who signed up for 2021 UT OPEN Badminton Open were selected for online questionnaire distribution. The data were collected and analyzed by SPSS descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise regression analysis. Results: The results show that is a moderate positive correlation between event service quality and event attraction on perceived value; event service quality and event attraction have a significant positive impact on perceived value; the tangible and caring of the service quality of the sport event, as well as the popularity of the event attraction, emotional cognition, transportation convenience and activity planning, could significantly and positively affect the perceived value. Conclusion: The service quality of the event and the attractiveness of the event both present a significant positive impact on the perceived value. It is the goal of the organizer to make people willing to spend more time and money to participate in this badminton tournament. It is hoped that through this research on the influencing factors of tournament activities, we can further understand the motives of people participating in the tournament and provide more perfect customization. Service, resulting in a more complete event handling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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