


A Research on Relationships of Life Stress and Depression among Adolescents in Residential Care: Self-Esteem as a Moderator




常欣怡(Hsin-Yi Chang);宋麗玉(Li-Yu Song)


安置機構 ; 青少年 ; 憂鬱 ; 生活壓力 ; 自尊 ; residential care ; adolescent ; depression ; life stress ; self-esteem




8期(2010 / 10 / 01)


51 - 74






Purpose: The purposes of this study were to explore the life stress and the depression among adolescents in residential care. The study also attempts to examine institutional life experience and using self-esteem as moderate variable to check the effect of life stress and the institutional life experience on depression. Methods: The total numbers of Samples were 243 adolescents, age from 13 to18. They are obtained from 7 residential institutions. Results: A proportion of 49.6% participants suffer from depression, among them, 24.4% were ranked in the middle-level of depression, and 25.2% were showed a high-level of depression. The main sources of adolescents life stress were ”teacher request to be too strict”, ”after graduation they did not know how to be employed or to enter a college”, and ”quarrels with their friends”. Multiple regression analyses indicated that gender differences were found, female adolescents were suffered more depression. Those who had lower self-esteem and higher life stress also had more depression. The moderating effects of self-esteem were supported by the data. Finally, the study suggests institutional worker should do fully and regularly on depression assessment, should help to enhance their self-esteem, and should provide coping strategies and counseling to adolescents in need.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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