


Urban Indigenous People's Experience of Exclusion from Employment and their Coping Strategies: a Case Study of an Urban Amis Tribe in Taichung




劉鶴群(He-chiun Liou);龍采綾(Cai-ling Long);房智慧(Chih-hui Fang)


都市原住民 ; 社會排除 ; 就業 ; urban indigenous people ; social exclusion ; employment




19期(2017 / 03 / 01)


179 - 211




臺灣原住民族離鄉背井來到都會區,在主流族群宰制的社會裡,面臨經濟、文化、教育、工作機會等不利條件的限制,產生族群關係與生活權益不對等的狀況,尤其人口最多的阿美族人,更是經常面臨此一困境的族群。本研究以臺中市阿美族都市原住民族部落為個案研究場域,描繪原住民族由原鄉遷移至都市生活所遭遇之就業排除經驗,並試圖發掘都市原住民族如何運用其聚居所產生之部落集體優勢,做為回應遭受主流社會排除之策略。研究採用立意取樣設計,選出5 位受訪者,進行個別深入訪談,並透過歸納方法,試圖找共通觀點以回應研究問題。研究結果發現:1.原住民族在進入漢人圈中,於融入時有族群劃分感受,且在勞動市場中遭受歧視與排除。2.都市部落創造出族群凝聚的空間,讓原住民族傳統文化獲得延續的條件。3.都市部落原住民族藉由氏族親屬之優勢,將傳統互助精神發揚,能增加都市原住民族都市生存能力。4.原住民族散居於都市區域易遭受漢化,藉由在都會形成部落能持續保有「原」色彩,聚在一起使氏族親屬社會網絡成為原住民族都會生存最大優勢。


Taiwan's indigenous people leave their homelands to the metropolitan area where the mainstream ethnic groups dominate, facing the constraints of disadvantaged economic, cultural, educational and employment opportunities. These advantages result in unequal ethnic relations and disparity of rights, especially for the most populated Amis people, who often face with this plight. This study uses an urban Amis tribe in Taichung as a case study field, exploring Taiwanese indigenous people’s migration from indigenous tribes to city and their experience of exclusion from employment. It also aims to discover how the urban indigenous people utilize their group settlement and collective living as the strategy to cope with the exclusion they face from the mainstream society. This study employs purposive sampling techniques, in-depth interviews five respondents, and through inductive process discovers major findings: firstly, by entering the mainstream Han society, indigenous people feel ethnic division, and have been excluded and discriminated in the labor market; secondly, the coherent space (urban settlement) created by the migrants helps maintain traditional indigenous culture; thirdly, through living in a clan-like urban settlement, the tradition of mutual help has been enhanced, reinforcing their resilience to exclusion; and finally, since scattering in the urban areas are subject to assimilation, to form an urban settlement and exchange social network prove to be advantageous to the indigenous people.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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