


Exploring the Meaning of Life Aided by the Medical Team: The Case of a Patient with Terminal Lung Cancer




梅慧敏(Hui-Min Mei);鄭芳如(Fang-Ju Cheng);張淑真(Shu-Chen Chang);林幸君(Sing-Jyun Lin);龍紀萱(Chi-Hsuan Lung)


癌症末期 ; 生命意義 ; 善終 ; 安寧療護 ; 醫療團隊 ; terminal cancer ; meaning of life ; good death ; palliative care ; medical team




20期(2017 / 09 / 01)


82 - 97






The objective of this study was to examine the course of events during a medical team's treatment of a patient with terminal lung cancer and the team's experiences. The medical team members also aided the patient in exploring the meaning of life to support the patient in achieving a good death. Method: We examined the case study of a male patient with terminal lung cancer. Palliative care was provided through the medical team's interventions and services that involved holistic care and care for the whole family and community by the whole team and during the entire course. Results: Community resources were used to assist the case patient and others with creating a "Cancer Support Group Station" in the community, where patients could learn from each other by sharing their knowledge of and experiences with their own care. In addition, a platform was developed for patients to exchange goods and sell homemade healthy or health-promoting foods, providing all patients involved with self-sufficient and sustainable development. Finally, the medical team helped the case patient achieve a good death and his family a peace of mind. We hope that sharing this case study encourages other medical teams to continue using their professional knowledge and skills to aid patients with terminal lung cancer and their families to find the meaning of life and to fulfill their expectations regarding the final stage of life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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