


Exploratory Research on the Experiences of Empowering Community to Participate in Domestic Violence Prevention Work: The Case of "Community-Based Building Model" of Changhua County Government




王翊涵(Yi-Han Wang)


社區家暴防治 ; 家暴防治預防性工作 ; 社區紮根 ; 社區培力 ; community-based building ; community-driven domestic violence prevention ; community empowerment ; domestic violence prevention wor




專刊(2017 / 11 / 01)


1 - 32






With the enactment and enforcement of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, the reports of domestic violence had been increasing year by year. Carrying out prevention work was quite challenging due to the fact that there was no single cause leading to domestic violence. The central authority, therefore, had recently been making efforts in conducting community-driven domestic violence prevention projects by pouring money and resources with a hope that the awareness of "zero tolerance for violence" could be build grassrootsly and culture myth could be broken. The co-organizer was the local government taking responsibility for empowering the community to participate in domestic violence prevention work. However, what were the contents of "empowerment"? What kinds of strategies were used by the local government to empower the community? To answer these questions and purpose recommendations for further formulation of policies, the case of "community-based building model" of Changhua County Government was explored in this study. Research data was collected by conducting a focus group. The results first showed that the "community-based building model" was based on the community strengths perspective and had been constructed gradually. The one responsible for this was a special empowerment team formed by Changhua County Government. Further exploring the contents of the "community-based building model", it was found that the special empowerment team adopted 6 strategies to empower local communities to participate in domestic violence prevention work, including: "recruitment should consider the community's intention and capacity", "community's anti-domestic violence consciousness should be inspired", "anti-domestic violence empowerment groups should be set up so that they could cultivate themselves with communities", "developing co-learning platforms enabling communities to learn from each other", "making well-empowered communities to assist less ones", and "using college student resources". During the empowerment process, some difficulties might be encountered, such as recruiting communities was hard, community empowerment might be interfered, and the role of the special empowerment team was queried.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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