Through the observation of the practice work, the elder abuse is getting more. The violence type is almost the younger relatives against the older relatives. As the situation, it's a great attack to sue. The study wants to analyze the violence type, the characteristics of the offender, the withdrawal reasons of the protection orders of the abused elders. The author takes the second data analysis to get the research outcome and the data is from the Council for Victims of Domestic Violence of Yunlin County in 2016. The total case record is 742, 35 of 742 is the withdrawal cases of the protection orders of the abused elders. We collect and analyze the data though the 35 case records. The findings is the offender is the son or husband of the clients, and they usually live together. The closeness makes the clients get violence frequently, and half of the clients don't think they are in dangerous situation and 25.7% of the clients think they are a little dangerous. The support system is the son and daughter or the spouse. Some of the client have no support system. The reason of withdrawal is lack of evidence, forgiving the offender, and the reducing of dangerous situation. The suggestions of the study focus the system perspectives. In the micro systems, the social workers should tell the abused elders about the meaning of the protection orders, how they get protection from the law, how to collect the evidence, and the safety plans. In the meso systems, we should build a community-based mechanism to prevent the violence and enhance the safety protection system of abused elders. In the macro systems, we should reduce the neglect of abused elder, zero tolerance to violence, and respect the value of individuals.
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