


A Study on the Roles of Social Workers in Nursing Homes




鄭惠心(Hui-Hsin Cheng);侯建州(Chien-Chou Hou);林鴻玲(Hung-Ling Lin)


護理之家 ; 長期照顧 ; 社工人員 ; 專業角色 ; 專業發展 ; nursing home ; long-term care ; social worker ; professional roles ; professional development




23期(2019 / 03 / 01)


36 - 67






According to statistics show that total 1,046 elderly welfare agencies under social policy system. On the other hand, manpower and consistent investment in long-term care is not only necessary but also crucial. As a former social worker, the research will discuss what roles do social workers play in nursing homes, their expectation and self-awareness according to own experience. The purpose of this research is to illustrate for four following topics: First of all, to understand the professional role and functions of NHSWs; secondly, to discuss what kind of difficulties that NHSW face during servicing process; thirdly, to figure up action plans for HNSWs who might face difficulties in a process of providing services; and finally, to propose comprehensive suggestions to improve NHSWs working conditions. This study was conducted with qualitative methods and literatures reviewing, and incorporated with semi-structured interview outline. The experienced researcher selected six interviewees which were social workers or department managers from independent agencies or nursing homes attached to hospitals, all of them were received a in-depth interview till data saturation. The researcher studied macro, intermediate, and micro perspectives, and summed up the result that indicated NHSWs usually acting different roles with specific functions, and moreover, the difficulties that they faced in nursing homes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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