


A Research on the Oppressive Feelings and Journeys of Social Worker Interns under Social Worker Supervision in the institutions




陳婉庭(Wan-Ting Chen);黃世州(Shih-Chou Huang);黃松林(Song-Lin Huang)


社會工作督導 ; 壓迫性感受與歷程 ; Social work supervision ; oppressive feelings and journeys




24期(2019 / 09 / 01)


149 - 177






Although the system of an internship is essential to many professions, the 400 hours of an internship requirement for social workers training still stand out in these systems of professional education. Without a proper framework for professional development, professional skill might not be applicable to the real case scenarios. With an overcontrol leading style, however, might create oppressive serving skills when facing the clients. Although the professional guidance may be beneficial to interns, the oppressive, leading manner which forms under a structural condition might shorten or suffocated the professional career of a social worker. How the interns ought to response to different supervisors with different leading styles under anti-oppression strategies is the primary concern of the school tutors. Since the percentage of students' participation on related work after school education is high than 60%, Asia University and Providence University have their index significance in the social work profession in the central part of Taiwan. Therefore, for practical application of this study, we aimed to explore the social work interns and the social work supervisors' self-awareness on anti-oppression through in-depth interviews. The research objectives are as follows: 1. Exploring the oppressive feelings of the social worker interns during the internship and the difficulties they encountered. 2. Exploring the social worker intern's understanding of the anti-oppression aspects and their responses during the process. 3. Providing suggestions for Social Work intern tutors counseling strategies based on the research results. The results showed that the participants expressed the oppressive feelings as they enter the workplace for the first time, discuss the evaluation of their internship results with the supervisor, and had personal supervision at their private or non-private areas in the workplace. To respond to the findings, we suggest the supervisors should raise their self-awareness on the interactions between the supervisors and the interns, provide sufficient time and space when assisting/consulting the interns, offer solutions to problems, respect the differences between profession when assisting interns from and different major. Lastly, be aware of the adverse side effects of cliquey in the organizations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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