
Community Resilience in a Rural Context-Literature Review






R. Sakthi Prabha;廖淑娟(Shuchuan Liao)


Resilience ; Community Resilience ; Social Support ; Social Network and Social Enterprise ; 復原力 ; 社區復原力 ; 社會支持 ; 社交網絡和社會企業




25期(2020 / 03 / 01)


97 - 127




This paper discusses the importance of community resilience in a rural context. Rural communities are the backbone of a nation and these communities have preserved age-old occupations, traditions and cultures. Over the past few decades, rural communities has been affected by climatic, economic, social, and political pressures, which have brought many changes to the social, economic and psychological systems of these communities. It is very important for the communities to build resilience to face challenges and build its sustainability. Despite several challenges faced by the rural communities, they survived well. The term resilience has long been a key concept in material sciences and recently has the focus of research in several disciplines such as developmental psychology, psychiatry, ecology, management, social sciences, etc. This paper is based on the research questions such as what is resilience, community resilience in rural areas, dimensions of community resilience and the effective intervention strategies to enhance the rural community resilience. Based on the various reviews the researchers have discussed the interventions to enhance rural community resilience. The interventions are community empowerment programmes, strengthening social capital, social network and supporting families, forming formal and informal groups, social enterprise, building infrastructure, enhancing collective efficacy, enhancing local leadership, cultural learning, spirituality, and respecting human diversity. The resilient rural community are open to learning and adapting to new ideas and bringing the people together in the community take care of each other. This paper rests on strength perspective.



主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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