


A Research on Baby Boomer Volunteering and Successful Aging: An Example of Older Adult Volunteer Leaders in Community Organizations




蔡麗華(Li-hua Tsai);黃松林(Song-lin Huang);賴紅汝(Hung-ju Lai)


嬰兒潮世代 ; 成功老化 ; 長青志工 ; Baby Boomer Generations ; Successful Aging ; Aging Volunteers




26期(2020 / 09 / 01)


74 - 112






The issues in relation to waves of aging population have been critical in the advanced countries for decades. The population of aged 65 and over in Taiwan were more than 13% in 2016. Meanwhile, the so-called post-war baby boomers (1946 - 1964) have been aging since 2011. Facing the aging waves, policies of many advanced countries are prepared with the caution and fear. This study aims to explore the relationship between the community acility of baby boomer volunteers and their status of successful aging in the community. Volunteers of community development organizations which were aged 54 years and over in the communities were selected. The purpose of the study is to explore the basic characteristics of baby boomer volunteers, and status quo of community development organizations (including the six-star plan), and the community capacity and volunteers' successful aging. Second, to explore the connections among these five variables. Third, the predictors of the successful aging among community's baby boomer volunteers. The findings of the study indicate that their community ability and status of successful aging vary by gender, ages and education level of baby boomer volunteers. Moreover, the cherecteristics of these volunteers could be the predictors and four dimensions of community capabilities could be the midiators to the status of successful aging. Policy suggestions are given according to the findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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