


Social support for older adults living alone in Pingtung City




陳柯玫(Ke-Mei Chen);許俊才(Kasirisir Kui)


社會支持 ; 獨居老人 ; 互助圈 ; social support ; older adults living alone ; circle




29期(2022 / 03 / 01)


1 - 33






Social support may have an effect on physical and psychological health of the older adults living alone. Thus, it is important to build a local social support system. The purpose of the study is to understand the social support of the older adults living alone and examine the roles of government and non-profit organizations in social support system in Pingtung city. The mixed-methods research is applied in the study. About the quantitative data collection, a total of 15 research participants who are the older adults living alone are assisted by Pingtung County Government. The qualitative data collection includes 3 individual interviews and 2 focus groups. The individual interviews include 4 older adults living alone. The focus groups include 11 government employees. The findings of the research are as follows: (a) the emotional and instrumental support is provided by the informal support system, while the information support relies on formal support system. (b) Regarding the emotional support, more than half of research participants have strong need for care from family members and trusted relatives and friends. (c) The instrumental support provision which focuses on unsolvable matters and emergencies mainly is from family members or friends. (d) About the information support, a high proportion of research participants have a need for welfare services, leisure, medical care, financial assistance, and housing repair, but have a low need for information about job seeking and activities. (e) The community and social welfare organizations provide social care, crisis reporting, consultation and resource linkage. Finally, policy suggestions are given for developing a local support system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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