


The Significance of Culture Care in the Indigenous Cultural Health Station Service: The Relevance of the Evaluation System to the Care Givers




邱惠娟(Hui-Chuan Chiu);全秀蘭(Shiu-Lan Chuan);郭俊巖(Chun-Yen Kuo);劉鶴群(He-Chiun Liou)


文化照顧 ; 在地需求 ; 文化主體性 ; 文化健康站 ; Culture Care ; Long-term Care for Indigenous peoples ; Cultural Health Station ; Xinyi County




29期(2022 / 03 / 01)


34 - 65






This paper aims to explore how the concept of "cultural care" is interpreted and practiced in the current care practice of tribal cultural health stations through archival and qualitative data analysis methods. The promotion of tribal care services for Indigenous peoples in Taiwan began in 2007 with the establishment of "Tribal Day Care Stations for the Elderly" in the tribes. Initially, in line with the goals of "aging in place" and "community care", the establishment of day care stations for the elderly compensated for the insufficient resources to care system for the elderly in the tribes. Later, it was renamed and transformed into a "Cultural Health Station" in 2015 in the hope that by emphasizing the cultural specificity of the tribe in the care, the Indigenous elders can receive dignified care services within the framework of tribal care practices. This article summarizes and analyzes how the evaluation opinions addressed by the evaluation committee members present the "cultural" meaning of care services from the archives of the national cultural health station evaluation in 2020. This paper analyzes and compares the complementarity and difference of cultural care experience between the evaluation system of Cultural Health Station and the caregivers. The study found that the indicators and opinions related to cultural care in the evaluation system are helpful for promoting the development of culturally diverse care models in the cultural health stations. Therefore, it is suggested that under the universal evaluation index, the future evaluation system should pay special attention to the cultural subjectivity of tribes, and increase the proportion of cultural elements and innovative service indicators. Emphasis should be placed on the development of service and care with the subjectivity of tribal elders, encourage tribes to strengthen their own cultural characteristics and give the cultural and health station room to play flexibly, so as to develop a cultural care model that meets local needs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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