The purpose of this study is to observe the transition from basic cognitive counseling courses to digital learning courses in Mandated Parenting Program in Changhua County during Level 3 Covid-19 alert in 2021, in order to examine the challenges and opportunities of social work under epidemic and social distance. The services of Mandated Parenting Program in Changhua County are divided into four categories: counselling courses, individual counseling services, visitation counselling and parent-child relationship promotion. Before the Level 3 Covid-19 alert, basic cognitive counselling courses are conducted in traditional classroom settings and through face-to-face interaction. After the Level 3 Covid-19 alert, the traditional teaching methods (in class) were suspended, in order to maintain the services, we start to arrange the digital learning courses. In this study, the effectiveness of digital learning courses were analyzed using a pre- and post-test questionnaire, a self-report questionnaire on learning experiences and a satisfaction survey. From the study, it was found that the digital learning courses not only reduced the barrier of distance, increased the participation rate, but also created a safe and anonymous environment, which helped participations to stabilise their negative emotions, and enhanced the interaction and self-disclosure in the courses. However, digital learning courses require more complicated preparation, information equipment limitations and the lecturer's teaching style has a greater impact on the participants' engagement and concentration, so it takes more time to communicate with the lecturer and plan the course together to increase the effectiveness of learning.
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