


The Distance Between Social Workers and the Screen-Reflections: Reflections on Online Social Work Groups During COVID-19




徐惠蘋(Hui-Ping Hsu);黃德芳(Te-Fang Huang);許米雅(Mi-Ya Xu);楊素琴(Su-Chin Yang)


社會團體工作 ; google meet ; 方案評估 ; 現象學 ; Social group work ; google meet ; program evaluation ; phenomenology




31期(2023 / 03 / 01)


83 - 104




社團法人高雄市天主教加大博愛協會在2021年7月新冠肺炎疫情第三級警戒期間,辦理6場帶狀性線上兒童人際團體。該團體由社工帶領其目的為改善兒童人際關係,團體目標有:(1)以畫家、作家、雕刻家、魔術師、運動家、園藝師六種職人作為媒介,藉由活動課程的設計與體驗,讓學童了解個人專長和特質;(2)在團體中示範及鼓勵成員做正向表達;(3)再將線上團體操作延伸到實際與他人進行互動增進學童正向人際經驗。執行時間在週五及週六,每次1.5小時,由社工做為會議召集人,採Google Meet會議軟體進行。方案評估方面:6場次共出席60人次,每次出席最多14人最少6人,共涉及18位成員,低於預期效益平均每次15人出席目標;另以Google表單問卷學員自行填寫,再配合社工電訪口述問卷內容協助完成之,共收回有效問卷15份。除了既定問卷成效分析外,本研究以現象學與經驗本質針對線上社工團體進行反思,分為:你在我面前我卻看不見,對工作人員所衍伸出來的反思是「他聽見了」比「我看見了」更加重要;更深更廣的看見的反思包括,鏡頭「拉近(zoom in)」了人與人的距離,螢幕與資訊軟體將「距離」重新定義,而且鏡頭「拉遠(zoom out)」了工作人員對家庭的看見,透過鏡頭幫助工作人員運用遠景攝影的方式拼湊出服務家庭的樣貌。最後提出建議:以實體社工團體為主軸線上活動為輔助進行更全面性服務、克服線上活動的侷限性、對於「面對面」服務的再理解三項建議。


In July 2021, during the third-level alert period of the COVID-19, the research unit conducted 6 banded online interpersonal groups for children. The group is led by social workers and its purpose is to improve children's interpersonal relationships. The objectives of the group are: (1) Through the design and experience of six professional courses of painter, writer, sculptor, magician, sportsman, and gardener, let schoolchildren understand personal expertise and characteristics. (2) Demonstrate and encourage members to make positive expressions in the group. (3) Extend the online group operation to the actual interaction with others to enhance the positive interpersonal experience of schoolchildren. On Fridays and Saturdays, each time for 1.5 hours, the social worker was the recruiter for the meeting, and the meeting software was google meet. Program evaluation: 60 people attended the 6 sessions, with a maximum of 14 people and a minimum of 6 people, involving a total of 18 members, which is lower than the expected benefit. In addition, students filled out the google form questionnaire by themselves, and then cooperated with the social worker to interview the content of the questionnaire to assist in completing it. A total of 15 valid questionnaires were recovered. In addition to the analysis of the effectiveness of the established questionnaires, this research reflects on online social work groups based on the nature of phenomenology and experience. Finally, suggestions are put forward: using physical social work groups as the main axis to provide more comprehensive services, overcoming the limitations of online activities, and re-understanding of "face-to-face" services.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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