In July 2021, during the third-level alert period of the COVID-19, the research unit conducted 6 banded online interpersonal groups for children. The group is led by social workers and its purpose is to improve children's interpersonal relationships. The objectives of the group are: (1) Through the design and experience of six professional courses of painter, writer, sculptor, magician, sportsman, and gardener, let schoolchildren understand personal expertise and characteristics. (2) Demonstrate and encourage members to make positive expressions in the group. (3) Extend the online group operation to the actual interaction with others to enhance the positive interpersonal experience of schoolchildren. On Fridays and Saturdays, each time for 1.5 hours, the social worker was the recruiter for the meeting, and the meeting software was google meet. Program evaluation: 60 people attended the 6 sessions, with a maximum of 14 people and a minimum of 6 people, involving a total of 18 members, which is lower than the expected benefit. In addition, students filled out the google form questionnaire by themselves, and then cooperated with the social worker to interview the content of the questionnaire to assist in completing it. A total of 15 valid questionnaires were recovered. In addition to the analysis of the effectiveness of the established questionnaires, this research reflects on online social work groups based on the nature of phenomenology and experience. Finally, suggestions are put forward: using physical social work groups as the main axis to provide more comprehensive services, overcoming the limitations of online activities, and re-understanding of "face-to-face" services.
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