


University Students' Family Resilience and Related Factors During COVID-19 Pandemic: Application of the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response Model




官心(Xin Guan);李旭鴻(Xu-Hong Li);張星洲(Xing-Zhou Zhang);蔡芃芃(Peng-Peng Cai)


大學生 ; 抗逆力 ; 家庭 ; 新冠疫情 ; University Student ; Resilience ; Family ; COVID-19




31期(2023 / 03 / 01)


105 - 125




背景:新冠疫情對大學生的社會交往、學習生活、生理和心理健康都造成了嚴峻的挑戰。研究表明,增強家庭抗逆力(Family Resilience)能讓個人更好地應對和處理壓力或是危機事件。儘管如此,目前鮮少有涉足大學生群體之研究。本研究旨在運用家庭調整與適應反應模型(Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response Model [FAAR])瞭解新冠疫情下大學生家庭抗逆力的情況以及其相關影響因素。方法:本研究為量性研究,採用便利抽樣方法選取至少248位在校大學生為研究對象,並通過問卷調查方式進行資料收集。問卷中的測量工具包括家庭抗逆力量表、新冠肺炎壓力指數、生命意義問卷、家庭適應性和凝聚力評估量表、家庭功能類型量表、家庭需求量表及感知社區支持問卷等。結果:本研究發現,生命意義感、家庭親密度與適應性和家庭需求滿足程度對大學生的家庭抗逆力有顯著影響。


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges to university students in terms of social interactions, learning, as well as physical and mental health. Research has shown that enhancing family resilience can help individuals better cope with and manage stress or crisis events. However, there is currently limited research on university student populations. This study aims to use the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response Model (FAAR) to understand the level of family resilience among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic and its related influencing factors. Methods: This study is quantitative research using convenience sampling to select at least 248 university students as research participants, and data collection is done through a questionnaire survey. The measurement tools in the questionnaire include the Family Resilience Scale, COVID-19 Stress Index, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales, Family Functioning Types Scale, Family Needs Scale, and Perceived Community Support Questionnaire. Results: This study found that meaning in life, family intimacy and adaptability, and the degree of family needs satisfaction significantly influence university students' family resilience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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