


Understanding and Response to the Influence of Managerialism on Medical Social Worker: Observation of Hospital Management




侯建州(Chien-Chou Hou)


管理主義 ; 醫務社工 ; 社工專業發展 ; 健康照顧 ; 醫務管理 ; managerialism ; medical social work ; development of the profession of social work ; health care ; hospital management




32期(2023 / 09 / 01)


127 - 158






The effects of managerialism exist not only in commercial sector but also in the bureaucratic governmental sector and in the charitable nonprofit sector. In the trend of thinking of managerialism, it not only influences national politics and ideology of welfare, but also significantly affects health and medicine. This study aimed to explore the effect of managerialism on medical social workers and how medical social workers respond to managerialism. By intensity sampling and stratified purpose sampling, this study conducted in-depth interviews in 11 cases with rich information, including seven supervisors of social workers and four social workers. According to research findings, the effects of managerialism on medical social workers are shown below: (1) Customer first and discrimination of vulnerable groups negatively influenced the work and missions of services. (2) Due to cost control, the professional efficacy and the wellbeing of clients were limited. (3) Under the performance management, the beliefs and ideology were not acclimated, and the excessive use of performance management led to an obsession over this topic, destroyed professional autonomy and twisted the professional meaning of social workers. (4) The use of management techniques led to learning stress and the excessive use of these techniques tended to negatively affect traditional services. As a result, the responses of medical social workers to the previous effects of managerialism are below: (1) They avoided the taboos in hospitals, followed the logic of medical management, learned the culture and even fought for the supervisors' recognition; (2) for the concern of successful development, medical social workers must fight for resources, flexibly explained the effects, highlighted social works and proposed professional suggestions. After the recognition of hospitals, they seized the time to demonstrate the specialties of social workers. Finally, this study had related discussions and proposed suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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