


The Pedagogical Application of Perusal Reading Method and Contrastive Method in the Literacy Education of Mandarin Chinese as a Foreign Language




方麗娜(Li-Na Fang)


文本細讀法 ; 對比法 ; 地域文化 ; 教學翻譯 ; 李家同散文 ; perusal reading method ; contrastive method ; regional culture ; pedagogical translation ; the familiar essay of Jia Tong Li




31期(2011 / 12 / 01)


61 - 75




本文以李家同著、鮑端磊、康士林譯《第二十一頁,Page 21=Learning English from Uncle Lee: Page21》為漢英對譯文本,旨在探究翻譯文本在對外華語文讀寫譯教學上的應用。研究方法採取質性分析法,利用行動研究的方式來執行,以詮釋性的方法做資料分析,研究對象是東南亞某國立大學教育學院中文組五十四名華裔學生。本研究設計的重點在將「語言」、「文化」及「個人成長」等三種模式融入教學中,讓學生親身體會跨文化的經驗,並透過細讀法、對比法與回譯法增進學習者閱讀、寫作與翻譯的能力,進而培養跨文化的素養和自覺。研究結果與心得,在閱讀方面:高級程度的外語學習者對篇章理解的難點,95%以上是文化詞彙與文化情境方面的問題,已脫離漢字、語法等問題;在寫作方面:本教學實驗採用互動性的作文批改模式,即學生「共批自改」的作文教學方法,由學生參與作文評改的實踐和操作,讓學生化被動為主動成為積極學習的主體;在翻譯方面,本文採用回譯法來檢視學生對語言文化難點的理解程度。本文建議:教學中應對原作中陌生化元素加以識別與講解,特別是華人社會的區域文化應予以重視。


This paper takes ”Learning English from Uncle Lee”: (P.21) (written by Jia Tong Li and translated by Daniel J. Bauer and Nicholas Koss) as a text for experimentation. Its purpose is to explore the pedagogical application of perusal reading method and contrastive method in the literacy education of Mandarin Chinese as a Foreign Language. The collection of the research corpora comes from two perspectives: discourse interpretation and discourse mode. The results of this research findings indicate: The text/discourse comprehension difficulty which the advanced learners of foreign language have encountered is not with Chinese characters and grammar, but largely (95%) with cultural vocabulary and cultural context. The pedagogical implications of this research are two-fold: In terms of contrastive method, it is suggested that the instructor should identify and explain to students the unfamiliar elements in the original text. With regards to the understanding of Chinese cultural background, it is suggested that the instructor should clearly distinguish the tripartite interrelationship among regionity and Chinesity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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