


Constructing and Verifying the Values Scales for Festival Visitors: the Example of Central Taiwan Lantern Festival




李君如(Chun-Ju Li)


節慶活動 ; 價值 ; 量表 ; 燈會 ; Festival ; value ; scale ; Lantern Festival




32期(2012 / 06 / 01)


91 - 112






Based on the theory of consumption value which was propounded by Sheth, Newman and Gross, this research developed the value scale of festival visitors, and the confirmatory factory analysis was used to diminish 29 questions from five dimensions to 17 questions; therefore, correlated five-factors model is the best one which was tested by competing model. After examining this model, both outside quality and inside structural adjustment were approved; meanwhile, it also possesses convergent validity, discriminate validity, and good reliability. The participants from 2010 Central Taiwan Lantern Festival were used as research subjects which were divided into the determination sample and criterion sample, and the result of cross-validation shows the model is quite stable; moreover, the data of participants from lantern festival in 2011 was used to examine the validity extension, which conforms to the group mean as well. This value scale could judge the value of festival visitors effectively.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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