


Cultural Body: The Stigma of "Venereal Disease" in Taiwanese Novels and Its Expulsion from the Narrative




林秀蓉(Shiow-Rong Lin)


臺灣小說 ; 性病 ; 疾病隱喻 ; 身體 ; 性別 ; Taiwanese novel ; venereal disease ; illness as metaphor ; body ; gender




33期(2012 / 12 / 01)


83 - 104






This study takes ”Venereal Disease” as the object of examination, which includes such related aspects as erectile dysfunction of the male reproductive organ, cutting testicles, syphilis and AIDS. After exploring the past and present domestic and foreign literature, this illness signifies the definition of moral punishment in the perception of most people. The self as body in ”Venereal Disease” is a competive arena between moral judgment and social power. It is the imprint of the cultural body as an existing collective consciousness and historical aggregation. The process of the illness as metaphor is the collective deductions of moral thought in the social group. However, ”Venereal Disease” has been mostly repelled and depreciated in the cultural body formed by complicated social power relationships, as compared with other diseases. It is even seen and labelled as humiliating, criminal, depraved, and dirty. The meaning of ”Venereal Disease” as narrated in Taiwanese novels has become stigmatized in the cultural body; it has also become the origin for exploring the illness in a more positive manner. When the self as body can be correctly named and the position of body ensured, the self as body, which once was stigmatized, is now actually recognized and named. This study starts from the history of the illness and aims to examine the relationships among the description of syphilis, the colonialist and the non-native. Secondly, based on comradeship, AIDS as a symbolic allusion to gays is analyzed. By using Lacan's phallocentricism the researcher tries to explain the metaphor of the male reproductive organ's encountering difficulties. It is hoped that how to expel the preconceptions of ”Venereal Disease” on the part of Taiwanese novelists can be achieved and the connection between the body and social culture better understood.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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