


Exploring the Contents Connotations and Organization Structure of Su Shi's "Song of Fuyu"


陳宣諭(Shiuan-Yu Chen)


蘇軾 ; 鰒魚行 ; 鰒魚 ; 鮑魚 ; Su Shi ; "Song of Fuyu"fuyu ; baoyu




37期(2014 / 12 / 01)


17 - 35






Su Shi's "Song of Fuyu" demonstrates his vast knowledge of fuyu (generally considered an ancient term for abalone) and his skill in employing sophisticated literary allusions. Despite a seeming lack of organization, in actuality, the text is meticulously and precisely structured, clear, and smooth. The poet presents philosophical concepts regarding life based on a close adherence to the theme of the poem. In ancient China, fuyu was commonly called baoyu (i.e., abalone), which generally had negative connotations in ancient poetry. In specific examples, baoyu was said to have been used to fill a cart that carried the emperor's body because the stink of baoyu masked the stench of rotten flesh. If fuyu and baoyu refer to the same creature, it is perplexing that Su Shi, who was a master of literary allusions, only mentioned that Wang Mang and Cao Cao (both considered traitors to the Han Dynasty) loved fuyu and that Liu Yong was addicted to eating scabs because he believed that they tasted similar to baoyu, yet failed to reference the story regarding the stench of the emperor's body. Another question explored in this study is, if abalone is considered a delicacy, why did baoyu and fuyu have varying connotations in ancient Chinese poetry? Therefore, we first investigated the etymology of the terms fuyu and baoyu to determine whether they referred to the same creature. Subsequently, we analyzed the descriptions related to fuyu and bayou in Tang and Song poetry before examining Su Shi's "Song of Fuyu" to identify the underlying meanings and structure. The results of this study can enable readers to understand the great profundity of the poem.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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