This paper aims to explore how Zhuangzi achieves the state of "utmost happiness" through "tending to his life" and "mastering life." The paper is divided into two parts. The first part clarifies the two meanings of "utmost happiness" with the concepts of "keeping one's original nature" and "no distinction between death and life." The second part uses three allegories to justify the analysis in the first part relating to Zhuangzi's thoughts about extreme happiness. Based on this, this part is further divided into three sections, which are (1) the theory of qi transformation and concept of life and death in 'Singing and Beating on a Basin,' (2) concepts of utmost happiness and life and death in 'the Talk with a Skull,' (3) the efforts of detaching oneself" and the state of "utmost happiness" in 'The Marquis Feeding the Bird.' Finally, the paper summarizes the key points mentioned above from the viewpoint of tending to life and mastering life. The spirit of freedom expressed in 'the Discussions on Smoothing Things Out' and 'Wandering Beyond' of Zhuangzi's 'Inner Chapters' eventually reflects the state of utmost happiness in worldly life in 'Utmost Happiness.'