


Cross-Straits Local Literature in the Process of Modernization-The Comparison between Yan Lianke and Huang Chunming in Local Literature Writing


楊森(Sen Yang)


鄉土世界 ; 城市 ; 現代化 ; 小人物 ; Local world ; urbanization ; Modernity ; nonentity




43期(2017 / 12 / 01)


31 - 48




無論是在中國大陸還是台灣,鄉土文學都佔據著重要的位置,儘管兩岸有著不同的歷史脈絡,可是卻也有著不少相通之處。六十年代中期,台灣在現代工商經濟的衝擊下,鄉村自然經濟解體,鄉村處於整個經濟結構的底層。大陸進入八十年代以來,隨著改革開放也經歷了相似的社會轉型,現代化的發展使城市化進程極速加劇。黃春明、閻連科作為兩岸優秀的鄉土作家,對台灣、大陸轉型期的鄉土生活進行深切地關注。黃春明將創作背景放置在了獨具特色的家鄉宜蘭,而閻連科也在構築特有的耙耬山脈,兩位作家都在深入思考現代性的入侵下鄉土傳統文化的轉變。對此,本文將以「鄉土的感召」、「小人物的悲歌」、「重尋人性尊嚴」為關目,重新思考閻連科、黃春明是如何構築各自的鄉土世界?為什麼他們都將著重點放在了鄉村小人物身上?二者的鄉土書寫又包含了怎樣的自我身份思考,以及鄉間個體生命的本源探尋?這種啟蒙書寫是否與魯迅的阿Q 精神遙相呼應,作者試圖以此治療/挽救被大時代犧牲的底層卑微小人物,重尋人性尊嚴。


Whether in mainland China or Taiwan, Local Literature is very important. Even the two sides of the cross-straits have different history, they have some in common. The collision and integration of Local Literature Writing between cross-straits are under-development in Chinese cultural system. Under the impact of modern industrial and commercial economy in the mid-sixties, the rural economy of Taiwan has been disintegrated. As a result, the village was at the bottom of economic structure. The mainland China has experienced the similar social transformation in the eighties, as the reform and opening up is carried out. The modern development has accelerated urbanization. Huang Chunming (黃春明)(1935-) and Yan Lianke (閻連科)(1958-), as outstanding local writers in cross-straits, they focus on Taiwan and mainland China in the transition of local life. Huang Chunming places his writing background in the hometown of Yilan, and Yan Lianke is also building a special balou mountains. (耙耬山脈). Two writers are thinking of the change of local traditional culture under the of invasion modernity. This paper focuses on discussing "construction of local world," "nonentity elegy" and "research human dignity," to reflect on how Yan Liankea and Huang Chunming attempt to build their respective local world, why they focus on the nonentity, what kind of self-identity thinking is in two writers' local writing and whether such initiation writings are related to Luxun's (魯迅) writing? This paper tries to find human dignity by curing or saving the nonentity in this big time.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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