


The Confucian Thought and Practice in the Sixteen Kingdoms Period: Centered on Records of Unofficial Dynasties, The Book of Jin


林耀潾(Yao-lin Lin)


十六國時期 ; 儒學 ; 晉書載記 ; 房玄齡 ; 夷夏觀念 ; Sixteen Kingdoms period ; Confucianism ; Records of Unofficial Dynasties, The Book of Jin ; Fang Xuan-Ling ; concept of barbaric peoples and the Han Chinese




46期(2019 / 06 / 01)


27 - 47






Records of Unofficial Dynasties, The Book of Jin records the deeds of Hu and Han regimes during the Sixteen Kingdom period. This article focuses on the Confucian thought and practice of Hu and Han regimes in this period as well as discusses their foundation of the Confucian official education system and their respect for and advocacy of Confucian theories. Most monarchs in the Sixteen Kingdoms period were Hu people. They successively established political powers after the Jin dynasty moved to the south, which turned the debate on the differentiation of barbaric peoples and Han Chinese people into an important issue. The concept of barbaric peoples and Han Chinese people was deeply influenced by Confucian concepts of nationality. The arguments on barbaric peoples and the Han Chinese were based on blood relationship at first and on Confucian cultures at last. It is fair for the writers of the Records, the officials in charge of history writing, to evaluate with Confucianism the Hu and Han regimes of the Sixteen Kingdom period. Nonetheless, their usage of some racially discriminatory terms is extremely inappropriate. This article deems that a cultural nationalism taking Confucian rites, righteousness, morality, and benevolent politics as its core content is an important spiritual resource that promotes the union of and the equality between barbaric peoples and the Han Chinese.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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