


The Aesthetic Implication of the Late Ming Dynasty and the Ugly Book Style and Its Influence on the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou in the Early Qing Dynasty


李秀華(Shew-hua Lee)


尚奇 ; 醜拙書風 ; 以碑破帖 ; 揚州八怪 ; Ugly Beauty ; Monumentology ; Yibeipotie ; Yangzhou eight strange




47期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 25






With the socio-economic, political, and academic developments in the late Ming Dynasty, the Tiexue is in a state of stagnation and weakness. With the aesthetics of the times, the society gradually becomes more and more eager to change. The calligraphy world is forming an artistic expression that creates singularity and ugliness with pen and ink changes. This reaction to the traditional ambiguity has a different way of thinking expansion, which makes the post-study strength of the Tiexue have another type of development, and opened the aesthetic thinking of calligraphy world in the early Qing Dynasty. This article attempts to explain the novelty and ugly and creative life style of the Tiexue in the early Qing Dynasty in the past and break through the traditional aesthetic formula. For the stablet calligraphy style of the early Qing Dynasty, especially the eight blame of Yangzhou, under the ugly style of the late Ming and the ugly, the "Yibeipotie" has inspired and laid the foundation for the establishment and practice of the Qing Dynasty. Development is of special significance. It is hoped that this study will give an objective exposition from the perspective of aesthetics of the times, the causes and progress of the development of the history of the Tiexue, and the revelation of the aesthetics of the times, and provide another aspect of the study of the history of calligraphy.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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