


The knowledge display windows of new type modern city: analysis of the diaries and travel notes of late Qing Diplomatic Envoys in Hong Kong


范棋崴(Chi-Wei Fan)


香港 ; 晚清外交使節 ; 文化傳播 ; 知識倉庫 ; 西學 ; Hong Kong ; the diplomatic envoys in the late Qing Dynasty ; cultural transmission ; stock of knowledge ; western knowledge




47期(2019 / 12 / 01)


59 - 91






In 1875, the Qing Empire dispatched a diplomatic envoy for the first time. Generally speaking, diplomatic corps usually stay in Hong Kong for a few days on their way to Europe or United States and record their personal experience. Prior to this, late Qing intellectuals learned Western knowledge often through the translation of books and other pipeline indirectly, some scholars described it as a virtual "stock of knowledge", where people can extractable content freely. And Hong Kong has some uniqueness: a convergence of Chinese and Western culture, the political environment that would not be interfered by the Qing Empire, and exported the Western culture to the periphery area, these characteristics stimulated the mind of the late Qing diplomatic envoys. Many relevant observations can be found in their works, and when things in Hong Kong were described by diplomatic envoys, it had also added some new collection to the "stock of knowledge". This article uses the diaries or travel notes of the diplomatic envoys in the late Qing Dynasty from 1875 to 1900 as the research material. By examining and analyzing the contents related to Hong Kong in these works, it presents the relevant historical background, and the influence on the diplomatic envoys from cultural differences between the East and the West. And along with the development of the self-strengthening movement, it would deepen the understanding of Western affairs of people, therefore, the observations of the diplomatic envoys in Hong Kong would change accordingly. Furthermore, in the case of the envoys, it can be found that there was a situation in which the content of observations about Hong Kong be passed down. This is enough to prove that a cultural transmission network centered on Hong Kong things, be constructed by the late Qing diplomatic envoys through recorded and read the diaries or travel notes in Hong Kong. And the attention of the late Qing diplomatic envoys to Hong Kong also highlight the important reference value of Hong Kong - a new type free trade port city in modern East Asia.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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