


A "Bodily" Perspective: The Bodily Form of Chinese Characters and Their Vividness from Rhythm and Spirit


王櫻芬(Ying-fen Wang)


漢字 ; 身體 ; 形象思維 ; 氣韻生動 ; Chinese characters ; body ; figurative thinking ; rhythmic vitality




48期(2020 / 06 / 01)


19 - 33






An ancient form of writing that has remained in use today, Chinese characters contain "body-like" shapes and embody the idea of "form imitation." In this study, this characteristic of Chinese characters was elucidated using Chen Li's poem "A War Symphony" as an example. The poem makes a good use of the "features" of Chinese characters to illustrate the profoundness of war scenes. This study investigated the body-like structures of Chinese characters by examining the following aspects: origin of Chinese character creation, teaching of calligraphy, appreciation of calligraphy masterpieces, and interpretation of the essence of Chinese calligraphy by using modern dances. These aspects were utilized to facilitate an in-depth explanation of the characteristics of Chinese characters. Exploring the origin of Chinese character creation enabled examining how the form imitation of characters was developed. Discussing the teaching of calligraphy facilitates carefully analyzing how the shapes of Chinese characters in calligraphy were inspired by observations of stationary and moving objects in nature, based on which the essence, energy, and spirt of Chinese characters were formed. Through appreciating calligraphy masterpieces, the artistic qualities of cursive and semi-cursive scripts were examined, how character fonts deviated from traditions and became unrestrained were explored, and the "priority" of font attributes was analyzed. For example, the vividness from rhythm and spirit of Chinese characters, rather than their actual shapes and symbols, was considered the most important.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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