


Three Orders (RSI) of Tang Yin-Xiao Gu Kui Chun Tu


林如熙(Ju-Hsi Lin)


《小姑窺春圖》 ; 想像 ; 象徵 ; 真實 ; 大他者 ; Xiao Gu Kui Chun Tu ; the Imaginary ; the Symbolic ; the Real ; the Other




49期(2020 / 12 / 01)


63 - 78






This paper based on Jacques Lacan's (1901-1981) concept of the three orders topology of the psychoanalytic theories.(the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real) Decoding Tang Yin (1470-1523) painting Xiao Gu Kui Chun Tu, Xiao Gu taken as the subject of desire. For example, she peeing from door hole, looking for narcissism and lure with imaginary identifications. By entrying into the Symbolic presents jouissance and sexual relationship, then other field to confirm the subject identity. We can discover the Real of Xiao Gu, the desire of Other, the Real is impossible, so subject desire as impossible logic can never be satisfied. However as Lacan said "Ego is Other, the Real does not exist." Xiao Gu as illusion, lack and absence. When Xiao Gu peeking meantime turn over other subject of desire, came from the Other secret gaze and projection, than as desire of the Other. Painter is another the Other speaking subject, excepting look through phallic jouissance, under patriarchy by feminine jouissance to restore human nature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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