


Empathy in design thinking: Natural philosophy from Taoism and phenomenology from Edmund Husserl


吳彥(Wu Yan)


設計思考 ; 同理心 ; 現象學 ; 老子 ; Design thinking ; empathy ; phenomenology ; Taoism




49期(2020 / 12 / 01)


79 - 93




「同理心」是一個心理學的概念,也可稱為共情、移情或共感。是換位思考的能力,站在對方的角度體會其感受、思維和立場,並站以其角度思考和處理問題。設計思考(Design Thinking)是一種「以人為本」的設計方法論,透過人的需求和感受,尋求解決各種議題的創新方案,同時也考量科技與商業運作的可能性。用戶訪談和問卷調查方法運用雖然在一定程度上可以瞭解用戶的想法,但是在一些情況下顧客並不能夠完整的表達其感受,卻也在一定程度上失去了找到設計突破的可能性。設計思考的「同理心」與「創造力」是運用設計思考方法的關鍵。本文旨在分析設計思考的同理心關鍵因素與流程,探討以同理心為導向的設計思考的同理心方法,評價以觀察為導向的同理心方法之成效。引用了老子自然哲學和胡塞爾的現象學觀念對同理心的關鍵進行論述,通過老子自然哲學的「正言若反」,胡塞爾的「存而不論」的哲學方法論及其「同理心」觀念的探討,找出設計思考中的「同理心」關鍵因素和流程。綜合設計思考「同理心」之本質與方法論的分析歸納,以及老子之自然哲學與胡塞爾現象學的哲學方法論研究之論述,設計思考方法中要真正做到「同理」,最重要的是先觀察,通過轉換「同理心」達到「換位思考」的效果,擷取關鍵的脈絡和洞見。


Empathy is one conception in psychology, which can also be called common feelings, transference and sympathy. It refers to the ability to put yourself in others' shoes, experience others' feelings, thoughts and standpoints and think about and handle problems. Design thinking is one people-oriented design methodology. It pursues innovative schemes to handle various issues and considers the possibility of operating science and technology and business. Ways of users interview and questionnaire survey could help understand the thoughts of users to some extent. But users could not fully express their feelings in some situations, which loses the potential to find the breakthrough of design. The empathy and creativity of critical importance to thinking about ways with design. This paper is aimed at analyzing the key elements and procedures of designing the empathy thoughts, discussing the empathy methods with empathy-oriented design thoughts and evaluating the effect of observation-oriented empathy methods. This paper has quoted natural philosophy from Taoism and phenomenology views from Edmund Husserl to discuss the key of empathy. The key elements and procedures of empathy in design thinking are found after discussing "straight words seem crooked" in the natural philosophy from Taoism, the philosophical methodology of "leave the question open" from Edmund Husserl and the conception of "empathy". This paper analyzes and concludes the essence and methodology of designs thinking of "empathy" and then discusses the researches on the natural philosophy from Taoism and philosophical methodology of phenomenology views of Edmund Husserl. Author notes that it is of most importance to observe first, then shift empathy to reach the effect of putting yourself in others' shoes and finally grasp the critical sequence of thoughts and insight. In this way, the real empathy could be achieved in design thinking.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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