


War Traumas and Gender Politics: Exploring the Literary Works of Chen Qian-wu, Jian Wen-yu and Li Bi-hua on Comfort Women


林秀蓉(Shiow-Rong Lin)


慰安婦 ; 戰爭創傷 ; 性別政治 ; 歷史記憶 ; 敘事治療 ; comfort women ; war traumas ; gender politics ; historical memories ; narrative therapy




50期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 18






For a long time, studies on war history have had a biased focus on male viewpoints, while the perspectives of females have usually been neglected. During the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and the Pacific War, a large group of women worked at the so-called "comfort stations"; they have become a non-negligible part of war history. Falling victim to Japanese colonialism, these women suffered great humiliations to their dignity. Many of them were severely injured, committed suicide, and lost their ability to bear children. Their voices for a long time have been unheard, and they have even been stigmatized as shameful and filthy. As a form of recording collective memories, the history of comfort women has served as a subject for literary creation. Still, in the modern Chinese literary community, there are very few literary works about comfort women. In Taiwan, Chen Qian-wu's short fictions Shu Song Chuan (Transport Ship, 1967) and Lie Nu Fan (Hunting Captive Women, 1976) and Jian Wen-yu's poem Mu Gua (Papaya, 1998) are among the very few works in this regard. In Hong Kong, there is Li Bi-hua's literary journalism work Yan Hua San Yue (The Red Spring, 2001). In different types of writing, these three writers depicted the lives of comfort women in the Nanyang region, Taiwan and China to convey their respective perceptions. By referring to historical reference, this study explores the historical contexts of the discourses of the three writers. It then adopts body theory and narrative therapy to analyze the traumatic experiences of the women depicted in said works: how they dealt with hardship in life after the wars, as well as how the writers told the stories of the comfort women in a way that really gave a voice to these victims of colonialism and patriarchal violence. By focusing on these issues, this study expects to highlight the significance of describing war traumas through literary works.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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