


The Multiple Identities of Collectors: The Wu Orientation and Influences on History-Biography Literature of Liechaoshi Ji and Mingshi Zong


王達甫(Da-Fu Wang)


《列朝詩集》 ; 《明詩綜》 ; 吳中 ; 錢謙益 ; 朱彝尊 ; LiechaoshiJi(列朝詩集Collection of Poems of the Dynasty) ; MingshiZong(明詩綜Anthology of Ming Poetry) ; Wu (Jiangsu) ; QianQianyi ; Zhu Yizun




50期(2021 / 06 / 01)


101 - 123






In addition to diversity, literary inheritance, and reformation, the Ming and Qing dynasties also affected poetry and history-biography, and the rise of poem collections is what affected the text recording system. As one of the leading figures at that time, QianQianyi (1582-1664) was the first to apply the concept of "linking poetry to people and people to biography" to his dynasty-based LiechaoshiJi (列朝詩集Collection of Poems of the Dynasty). Besides setting out a new genre, the Collection has influenced those discoursing with it at all levels, such as MingshiZong (明詩綜Anthology of Ming Poetry) by Zhu Yizun (1629-1709), biographies in local chronicles, and local poetry collections after his. Based on the Collection and the Anthology, this paper investigates the value of Qian and Zhu in the poetry world in terms of the characters depicted in the poems and history-biographies in both works. This paper also discusses how they handle local cultural influences when compiling works of people from the same native place who are closed to them. Despite the fact that "only insiders know", multiple identities and friendship influences have become an unexplored grey zone. Hence, the study begins with an analysis of the proportion of poets from Wu (Jiangsu) selected by both authors to re-examine the actual effects of this genre in both works. Through the orientation of poem selection of both compilers, the inheritance and interaction of local history materials are reviewed to investigate the new directions that were brought to the "local area" by compilers.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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