William Blake is generally acknowledged as one of the most visionary Romantic poets. Despite the recurrent allusions to God in his writings, Blake's thought has the range and depth unconfined in Christian theology. Seemingly mystical and idiosyncratic, his vision is deeply related to human life and meant to inspire spiritual awakening. The probing into the meanings of his works reveals their compatibility with the core issues in Buddhism. This study aims to explore Blake's vision within the vein of Dharma. The contents are divided into two parts. The first part illustrates the consonance between Buddhist teaching and Blake's skeptical attitude toward institutionalized religion. The second part discusses the affinities between his idea of unity and Buddhist interbeing and ecological consciousness. Nondualism, interconnectedness, oneness with a living cosmos and intuitive grasp of the infinite weave Blake and Dharma together as the individualist model of spiritual fulfillment and liberation. Overflowing with ethical urge and moral earnestness, Blake's vision is the Occidental counterpart of Dharma.
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