


"Sincerity" in The Great Learning and The Doctrine of the Mean: On the Transition of Confucianism in the Mid-Tang Dynasty from the Interaction between the Imperial Examination System and Thought


楊舒雲(Shu-Yun Yang)


誠 ; 大學 ; 中庸 ; 經典詮釋 ; 科舉 ; Sincerity/Cheng ; The Great Learning ; The Doctrine of the Mean ; interpretation of Confucian Classics ; National Examination




52期(2022 / 06 / 01)


97 - 116






The paradigm shift in interpretation of "from the Five Classics to the Four Books" has become an important topic in the field of intellectual history research. This essay takes the concept of "sincerity" in "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" as the core concept and compares Zheng Xuan and Zhu Xi's annotations. It highlights the sharp difference between the early Confucianism represented by Zheng Xuan in the Han Dynasty and Zhu Xi's philosophical system. Based on this, I believe that the change in the direction of classic interpretation is clearly related to the changes in the system of selecting and appointing officials during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Due to the development of centralized systems such as "the Abolishment of Local Bureaucrats" and "the Practice of National Examination for Service", the original dependency relationship between the intellectual and his village has been changed. The rural evaluation system, which was the standard for selecting officials in the past, was abolished. As a result, the "people-land" connection was broken, and the original "moral-political" official selection model changed to a "talent-political" model. The impact of this change is that scholars' moral criteria have been lost and their moral basis has become hollow. Many dilemmas gradually emerged around the Mid-Tang Dynasty. Since the Mid-Tang Dynasty, scholars have tried to use the concept of "sincerity" to re-settle the roots of value to correct people's moral thinking. Such a turning of thinking from the outside to the inner reflection gradually appeared before and after the Mid-Tang Dynasty. After that, it not only promoted the rise of Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, but also promoted the journey of "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" to become classics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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