


Investigate the Cultural Perception Behavior of Creators of Facebook Online Comic Community in Taiwan to Imitate the Style of Japanese Manga


張重金(Chung-Chin Chang)


Facebook網路社群 ; 日本漫畫 ; 感知行為 ; 自我效能感 ; 社會認知 ; 視覺語言 ; Facebook Online Community ; manga ; perceptual behavior ; self-efficacy ; social cognition ; visual language




53期(2022 / 12 / 01)


109 - 133






Since the introduction of Japanese manga into Taiwan, it has had a great impact on the cultural space of Taiwan, proving the successful colonization of Japanese manga among different cultures. It is noteworthy that more and more creators of comics published on the website of the Taiwan Facebook comics community imitate the style of Japanese manga into their style. Based on textual analysis, I investigated the phenomenon by relating it with the social cognitive theories on behavior change, self-efficacy, visual language, and manga visual storytelling. In terms of methodology, I use the causal model of behavior change in social cognitive theory and the interview survey method. Using the causal model of behavior change from the Social Cognitive Theory, I argued the phenomenon is the result of bidirectional interaction between personal determinants, environmental determinants, and behavioral determinants. It is concluded that the main factors that affect the comic readers' visual style imitation are the visual feeling of the comic and the self-efficacy of the comic readers' visual style imitation. And the depth of the comic ability to attract readers will become the decisive factor in the environment, these factors are the behavioral determinants of comic visual imitation. In addition, It is also expected that this study can provide a feasible theoretical basis for the study of perception in comics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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