The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to explore the demographic information concerning Taiwanese families with young children with special needs; (2) to examine the social support and the needs of families with young children who had special needs; (3) to investigate to what extent child changes were associated with family support, needs and characteristics. A researcher-made questionnaire with five-point Likert's scale was used to survey the supports and needs of Taiwanese families. Specifically, the items on the questionnaire were divided into five dimensions which contained informational, professional, financial, early intervention services and spiritual support. A total of 275 families of infants and young children with special needs participated in this study. There were three major findings in the study as follows:1. Most families in this study were economically and educationally disadvantaged. Infants and young children with special needs had diversity in the areas of children numbers, birth order, children's age, categories and level of disability.2. Families had a moderate level of family support and needs. In general, the dimensions of economic and early in intervention service were significant differences in family support and needs.3. There were significant differences between family income, parents' education level, children numbers, birth order, children's categories and level of disability.
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