


The School Curriculum Reform in South Korea and Its Implications for Grades 1-12 Curriculum in Taiwan


丘愛鈴(Ai-Ling Chiu)


十二年國民基本教育 ; 課程改革 ; 中小學教育 ; 十二年一貫課程 ; 南韓 ; 12-year compulsory education ; curriculum reform ; elementary and secondary education ; grades 1-12 curriculum ; South Korea




35期(2013 / 12 / 01)


47 - 64






Due to globalization and its knowledge-based economy, South Korea revised its national curriculum in 2009 and implemented that reform in 2013 to promote the quality of elementary and secondary education. This paper aims to analyze the context of this reform, its educational vision and goals, curriculum structure and content as well as the characteristics and existing problems of elementary, middle and high schools in South Korea. This study adopted literature review and documentary analysis. Three characteristics of ”the 2009 Revised Curriculum” are listed as follows: (1) The curriculum structure adopts subject clusters in order to decrease the number of subjects, and adopts grade clusters to allow flexibility of implementation. (2) The curriculum content adds creative experiential learning activities to cultivate individuals to be creative, considerate and willing to share with others. (3) Nation-wide decentralization empowers schools to develop their own school-based curricula and implement evaluations to improve curriculum quality. However, the curriculum reform also encounters some difficulties in the areas of teacher training, subject materials, teaching methods, student assessment and university entrance examinations in South Korea. Finally some reflections are proposed for constructing grades 1-12 curriculum in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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