


Investigation on Digital Cultural Feedback and Obstacles in Intergenerational Family


黃誌坤(Chih-Kun Huang);李長燦(Chang-Tsan Li);王明鳳(Ming-Fong Wang)


老人上網 ; 文化反哺 ; 網路反哺 ; 數位落差 ; 家庭支持 ; Seniors surfing the internet ; cultural feedback ; digital cultural feedback ; digital divide ; family support




37期(2014 / 12 / 01)


51 - 72






We adopted the cultural feedback concept in this study. In the inter-generational family, the younger generation can assist or help the older generation to access the Internet and solve the difficulties known as "digital culture feedback." The purpose of the paper is as follows: (1) to investigate and analyze the desire and practice of digital cultural feedback from the younger generation; (2) to analyze the obstacles of digital cultural feedback from the older generation; For these objectives, a questionnaire survey was conducted. The results showed that: (1) university students have the willingness but lack of action in the family digital culture feedback; (2) university students prefer the way of proxy feedback in family digital culture feedback activities; (3) one of the biggest obstacles encountered by students in the practice of family digital culture feedback is that the internet environment is not suitable for the elderly to learn; (4) one of the biggest obstacles encountered by students in the practice of family digital culture feedback is that older people don't need or want to access the Internet; (5) one of the biggest obstacles encountered by students in the practice of family digital culture feedback is too much school activities and heavy homework; (6) keeping a good relationship or going home periodically provides family digital culture feedback. Some suggestions were offered.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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