


A Study of Relationships between Belief in Afterlife and Meaning in Life of Primary Teachers: the Attitude toward Death as Moderator


吳和堂(Ho-Tang Wu);廖珮勳(Pei-Hsun Liao)


生命意義感 ; 死亡態度 ; 來生信念 ; Attitude of death ; belief in afterlife ; meaning in life ; moderator




38期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 25






First of all, based on literature, the relationship between beliefs in afterlife and meaning in life of primary teachers has never been tested. Secondly, these two variables are regulated by numerous factors. Therefore, this study comes up with two hypotheses, H_1: In control of gender, religious belief, age and marriage status, beliefs in afterlife sense have a significant impact on meaning in life of primary teachers. H_2: The impact of beliefs in afterlife on meaning in life is moderated by the level of attitude toward death. To verify the hypothesis, this study compiled three scales, called Scale of Beliefs in Afterlife, Scale of Meaning in Life, and Scale of Attitudes toward Death, and were administrated to teachers (N=498), clustered sampling from primary schools in the Southern Taiwan. The survey and analysis by hierarchical regression showed these two hypotheses were supported.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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