


Applying Decision Trees to Explore the Telemarketing Strategies of Cram Schools for the Graduate Institute


陳隆輝(Long-Hui Chen);李昶良(Chang-Liang Lee)


資料探勘 ; 升學意願 ; 決策樹 ; 電話行銷 ; Data Mining ; Intention for higher education ; Decision Trees ; Telemarketing




39期(2015 / 12 / 01)


49 - 72






Due to the lowering of the market needs and the surroundings of fierce competitions, the question of how to find out potential students with intentions for higher education has become the greatest challenge. To understand the factors of Attitude toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control, this study employs the Theory of Planned Behavior as a framework and uses structured questionnaires in investigating both collegiate senior students with and without intensions for higher education. The results find the key influential factors include: ‘whether the degree can bring more salary’ and ‘whether the personal network can be expanded’ within the Attitude Toward the Behavior category; ‘whether family members and friends think it is worthy to go to the graduate school’ in the Subjective Norm; ‘whether I have the confidence to pass the test’, ‘whether there is enough financial support from the family’, and ‘whether I have faith for handling the school work’ within the Perceived Behavioral Control category; ‘whether the current school is a national one, private or vocational one or a normal one’ among the demographic statistical variables. Among these factors, the most important factor is ‘whether I have faith in handling the school work’. Secondly, this study uses the decision tree in constructing prediction model of intension for higher education, and ten types of the rules could be found. Types of the rules then are further grouped into 5 with the intension for higher degree and 5 without the intension for higher degree respectively. Based on the characteristics and the description of the groups, suggestions and marketing strategies were then proposed and given. Finally, the results of the study can play the role of being the reference for cram schools when conducting market segmentation and telemarketing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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