Aesthetic education aims to cultivate learners, both aesthetic intellectual and aesthetic emotion of beauty as the goal, but also as a kind of explicit and tacit knowledge conversion, the operation of the education and learning process. In addition, the aesthetic literacy of the learners is gained from the emotional and rational combination of practical activities, that is, the aesthetic experiences. This study adopts the SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization) model, a knowledge management (KM) model for transforming explicit and tacit knowledge and the design of the visual arts teaching program which integrates the appreciation of the literature, carries on the teaching research, puts forward the specific and clear path of the aesthetic educations, as the guidance and practice aesthetic education, and provides different viewpoints for researches in the field of visual arts instruction and aesthetic education. The researcher in this study is also the instructor. The study was based on four-month teaching, through a qualitative research method, to explore the 10 six-to-eleven-year-old learners, in terms of the SECI knowledge transformation model of visual arts instruction, the explicit and tacit knowledge of the conversion and the aesthetic experiences of learning outcomes. The conclusion of this study was that the SECI model helped learners gain aesthetic experiences.
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