


Healing Cutie Pets, the Sweetest Burden? The Study on Leisure Healing to Explore the Happiness of the Owner


鍾政偉(Cheng-wei Chung);陳建呈(Jian-cheng Chen);林彥伶(Yan-ling Lin);林靜誼(Jing-yi Lin)


毛小孩 ; 休閒涉入 ; 休閒療癒 ; 依附關係 ; 幸福感 ; attachment ; happiness ; leisure healing ; leisure involvement ; pet




46期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 15






The word "healing" has been widely discussed in recent years. Through leisure activities, people have been relieved of their physical and mental pressures, making emotions reach positive energy. News reports often mention that modern people are faced with complicated workloads and pressing life-steps. They rarely go out for a walk. Most of them are unmarried, but they are eager to seek companionship and comfort while keeping pets. Most owners will engage in leisure activities with pets. The owner will have dependency emotions to the pets. Through the past literature, the owner's involvement in and dependence on pets, as well as leisure healing and well-being. Finally, the interaction between the four variables was established. In this study, pet owners were taken as the research object, the southern pet park was taken as the space, and the questionnaire survey method was used as the main sampling method to investigate the owner of the dog who came to the park. In this study, 550 questionnaires were actually issued, 505 valid questionnaires were recovered, and the effective recovery rate was 91.8%. The results show that leisure involvement has a significant positive impact on dependency, has no significant impact on leisure healing, and has a significant negative impact on a sense of happiness; dependency has a significant positive impact on leisure healing, and also a sense of happiness; leisure healing has a significant positive effect on happiness. The results show that the higher the leisure involvement, the lower the sense of happiness. The reasoning of this study is that if the owner has always had no emotional pay or responsibility for the pet, he will feel increasingly tired. If there is no emotion in the pet, owners will not feel happy, so keeping pets must interact with them to create dependency, and thus achieve healing and happiness.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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