


Mediating Effects of Elders' Self-Regulated Learning on the Relationship between Social Support and Successful Ageing in Taiwan


樓家祺(Chia-Chi Lou);王政彥(Cheng-Yen Wang)


高齡學習者 ; 社會支持 ; 自我調控學習 ; 成功老化 ; 結構方程模式 ; elder learners ; social support ; self-regulated learning ; successful ageing ; structural equation model




50期(2021 / 06 / 01)


49 - 74




本研究之主要目的在瞭解高齡學習者「自我調控學習」在社會支持與成功老化中介模式之驗證,本研究共計發放947份問卷,剔除無40份效問卷,有效問卷共計907份,回收率為96%。以隨機抽取140份樣本進行探索性因素分析,767份進行中介模型驗證。其研究結果顯示社會支持、自我調控學習與成功老化在整體適配度大部份均達各項指標之適配標準,自我調控學做為社會支持對成功老化中介變項,β係數由.68降為.08,p > .05,經過bootstrap法之統計結果顯示,中介效果數值為.613,且均為正值,本研究各項假設均成立,因此本研究所推導建構自我調控學習在社會支持與成功老化具中介效果獲得實證支持,且為完全中介。本研究根據研究結果針對高齡學習者及高齡教育機構提出相關建議,以供參考。


The chief goal of this study was to gain an understanding of how elder learners' self-regulated learning mediates the relationship between social support and successful ageing. To obtain the necessary data, 947 questionnaires were issued. Of the 947 questionnaires issued, 907 were valid and 40 were classified as invalid, for a recovery rate of 96%. 140 of the questionnaires obtained by random sampling were employed in exploratory factor analysis, and the remaining 767 questionnaires were used to test our mediation model. Our results indicated that the overall fit of social support, self-regulated learning, and successful ageing reach fit standards for the various indices in most cases, and self-regulated learning is a mediator of the effect of social support on successful ageing, with a β coefficient falling from .68 to .08, and p > 0.05. Statistical analysis employing the bootstrap method further revealed that the mediating effect has a value of 0.613, and is uniformly positive. All of the hypotheses in this study were confirmed, and these results provided empirical support for our supposition that self-regulated learning has a full mediating effect between social support and successful ageing. We provide recommendations concerning elder learners and older adult education institutions based on our research results.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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