


Professional Competency Analysis of Counseling Psychologist at Medical-Settings




李玉嬋(Yu-Chan Li);林惠珊(Hui-San Lin)


醫療場域 ; 醫療諮商 ; 健康心理學 ; 諮商心理師 ; 職能 ; medical settings ; medical counseling ; health psychology ; counseling psychologist ; professional competency




1卷1期(2012 / 08 / 01)


29 - 55






As medical personnel, a counseling psychologist takes on the indispensable duty to promote patients' health and their psychological adjustment to illness. By joining a medical team and providing mental health counseling services, a counseling psychologist may help reduce patients' anxiety or depression due to physical pain and treatment process and thus benefit the overall health of the patients. However, those who work in medical settings so far are mostly clinical psychologists, and they work separately in psychiatry departments. Only very few of them provide mental health counseling services to non-psychiatric inpatients or outpatients suffering from psychological distress derived from physical illnesses.This study aims to explore the required competencies of counseling psychologists working in medical settings. Professional competency analysis and thematic analysis were employed for the interviews with the counseling psychologists currently working in the medical settings from six different departments. An overview of their work was presented, and a list of the ten competencies of counseling psychologists for entering medical settings was also compiled. We found that the most important competencies are being able to adopt general work attitudes and medical ethics and to provide the diagnostic assessment, counseling, and consultation services for psychological patients, non-mental patients' adaptation difficulties, and employees' mental health issues. Other important and relatively minor competencies are also discussed to provide future directions for psychological counseling practices and talent development in medical settings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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