


Narrative Meaning, Coherence, and Dialogue: Narrative Understanding and Analyses from a Therapeutic Diary


林美珠(Meei-Ju Lin);溫錦真(Chin-Chen Wen);高倜歐(Theodore\dMazarakis)


敘事 ; 敘事意義性 ; 敘事連貫性 ; 敘事對話性 ; narrative ; narrative meaning ; narrative coherence ; narrative dialogue




2卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


31 - 50






Counseling and psychotherapy rely highly upon language in essence. Through narrative, clients use their personal story in the process of counseling and psychotherapy to represent their memories and reconstruct their lives regardless of different therapeutic approaches. Given the need of an alternative metaphor for counseling and psychotherapy research, this article argues that a narrative analytic perspective resonates with contemporary research, thus is highly recommended. This article focuses on exploration of concepts and analyses of narrative meaning, narrative coherence, and narrative dialogue. An example from a therapeutic diary is given to highlight the application of the concepts and analyses. Finally, the applicability of concepts and analyses for the research of narrative is discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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