


From LIWC to C-LIWC: The Potentialities of Computerized Chinese Word Count Analysis


林瑋芳(Wei-Fang Lin);黃金蘭(Chin-Lan Huang);林以正(Yi-Cheng Lin)


字詞分析 ; 文本分析 ; expressive writing, text-analysis, LIWC




2卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


97 - 111






Previous research has demonstrated that expressive writing paradigm has positive effects on individual physical and psychological health. The cognitive and emotional processes related to this effect might be very well revealed in the language usage involved. However, although it seems intuitive that internal psychological processes are expressed in various forms of language, how to accurately translate natural language into operational indices remains to be a hard challenge to psychologists. To achieve this goal, Pennebaker and his colleagues psychometric properties of language use. LIWC2007 is the latest version which has been applied to various research topics and has demonstrated good reliability and validities. The current article reviewed the development and applications of both the original LIWC and also the Chinese version of LIWC(C-LIWC). Even though LIWC simply does word counting and reports the percentages of word categories from texts, the exploratory power of LIWC can be highly enriched in combination with theoretical and contextual sensitivities. The authors argue that C-LIWC builds a bridge between qualitative and quantitative research, which is especially useful in the field of counseling psychology.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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