


Group Leadership Competence Scale: Norm Establishment and Comparative Analysis of Leaders' Competences by Training Levels and Experiences in Taiwan


吳秀碧(Sophie Woo);許育光(Yu-Kuang Hsu)


能力評量 ; 領導能力 ; 團體治療 ; 團體諮商 ; 團體領導者 ; 諮商師 ; competency evaluation ; counselor ; group counseling ; group leader ; group therapy ; leadership




3卷1期(2015 / 09 / 01)


27 - 51




本研究旨在建構「團體領導能力量表」之常模,並分析台灣實務工作者之團體實務能力狀況進行了解。該量表已於先前研究形成正式量表共計49題,並建立信效度和八個分量表因素,用以評量當前台灣團體領導者之實務表現能力,供實務、教學訓練暨督導應用。研究進行該量表的常模樣本收集,共得有效樣本899個,並依據實務教學督導之需要性,進行下述三類資料之分析:(1)依據教學場域實用性:分為大學四年級(N=291)、碩士(含在學、駐地實習與畢業後)(N=506)、博士(含在學與畢業後)(N=102)等三個層級之百分等級和T 分數常模建構。(2)而以不同專業經驗層級來區分進行領導能力之差異檢定分析:大四(N=291)、碩士在學(N=192)、全職實習(N=111)、碩士畢(N=305),發現訓練層級較高之領導者大致均高於較低層級者,但「深化個體」與「突破過程障礙」僅碩士畢業後與博士層級之領導者高於其餘層級。(3)鑒於諮商心理訓練層級以碩士班為主,研究針對碩士樣本(含在學、駐地實習與畢業後)(N=506)進行差異檢定分析:發現精神醫療與社區諮商機構之領導者,自評的能力較高;三十歲以上之不同年齡組差異不大;畢業後年資未達十年者並無差異;同時有中低結構或非結構團體領導經驗者,能展現較高的領導能力;而曾經領導三至四個團體以上者,才顯現較高的領導能力。研究針對結果進行討論,並對於量表應用、團體諮商實務教學,以及後續研究提出相關建議。


The purposes of this study were to establish the norms of the Group Leadership Competence Scale (GLCS) and to examine differences in leaders’ competences by training levels and experiences. GLCS is a 49-item self-report instrument with eight factors and established reliability and validity. To establish the norms of GLCS, 899 participants who had group experiences were recruited from several departments of counseling and guidance at different universities and from various work settings in Taiwan to complete the surveys. The sample included (1) 291 undergraduate seniors, (2) 506 master students, master-level interns, and master-level counselors, and (3) 102 doctoral trainee or doctoral-level counselors. The GLCS norms were obtained by computing the percentile ranks and T-scores for each of the three sub-groups of counseling and therapy group leaders. Differences in group leaders competency scores by their educational levels were examined. The results indicated that master-level counselors and doctoral-level counselor reported significantly higher competencies than their lower-educational counterparts on two specific domains of GLCS: Facilitating Individual Depth and Breaking Through the Process Hinders. Further analyses only focused on the master-level sub-sample and explored the competency differences by age, post-graduation period, work setting, the number of groups conducted by participants, and types of group led by counselors. The results identified several markers associated with greater competency including working at in psychiatric and community counseling settings, over ten years of working experiences, experiences of leading semi-structured or non-structured groups, and having conducted four or more groups. Based on the findings, recommendations for practical application of the GLCS and suggestions for the future research for counselor educators, counselor supervisors, and researchers are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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