


The Effects of Expressive Art Therapy on Group Counseling for Female Adolescents at Placement Institutions


盧鴻文(Hung-Wen Lu)


安置青少女 ; 表達性藝術治療 ; 團體諮商 ; 混合研究 ; adolescent girls in placement ; expressive art therapy ; group counseling ; mixed methods research




3卷1期(2015 / 09 / 01)


79 - 105






The effects of expressive art therapy on 13 adolescent girls who received group counseling at placement institutions were analyzed. Of the 13 research participants, seven had sexual assault experience and six were placed in institutions by court ruling. This group met twice a week for a total of 16 times, and each session lasted 2.5 hours (total of 40 hours). An explanatory, mixed methods research design was adopted for this study. The quantitative component used the Beck Youth Inventories-Second Edition (BYI-II) as the research tool. A hierarchical linear growth model was used to analyze the collected data. The qualitative part of the research used content analysis. The results of the BYI-II showed a positive growth trend in that as the time of group counseling intervention increased, self-concept improved and symptoms and problematic behaviors (i.e., anxiety, depression, anger, and breach of the code of conduct) decreased over the three time periods. The increase in the number and duration of group has explanatory power toward the psychological status of the adolescents in placement institutions. In addition, the female adolescents expressed their experience of group, emotion, cognition change and interpersonal interactions and trauma recovery. Counseling implications of the findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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