


A Pilot Study of Ethical Judgment and Behavior of University Counselors in Shanghai Area


盧麗瓊(Li-qiong Lu);王智弘(Chih-Hung Wang);陳增堂(Zeng-tang Chen);盧怡任(Yi-Jen Lu)


心理諮詢 ; 倫理行為 ; 倫理判斷 ; 華人地區 ; 諮商倫理 ; counselor ; ethical behavior ; ethical judgment ; Chinese society ; counseling ethics




4卷1期(2016 / 09 / 01)


45 - 62






The purpose of this study was to explore the current status of counseling ethics in various Chinese regions by examining ethical judgments and behaviors of college counselors in the Shanghai area and comparing the results with survey findings previously done in Taiwan. This study used the methodology of questionnaire survey. The final questionnaire, initially adapted from the surveys developed by Yi-Jen Lu and Chih-Hung Wang (2012), was developed through the process of pilot testing, item correction, and expert approval. It was administered through email. The results were analyzed by SPSS17.0 for descriptive analysis .Results indicated that 1). Regarding ethical judgment, among the 81 ethical behavior items listed in the survey, 25 were generally considered unethical behavior, 16were rated with high degree of confidence, and 8were ambivalent. 2). With regard of ethical behaviors, 10 items were considered as inconsistent between ethical judgment and behavior. 3) In terms of the design of ethical system, ethics should be a required course in training curriculum and in the license examination, and a national committee of counseling ethics should be established.4). When comparing Shanghai and Taiwan survey results, the findings were generally similar, but counselors in Taiwan were more strict in respecting clients’ right and addressing dual relationship issues. Compared with the US, counselors in Chinese regions were more inconsistent in counseling fee, the way of addressing non sexual dual relationship, and confidential issues which might be affected by Chinese culture and needs to be examined in future research. According to the results, we suggest that relevant laws, regulations, and codes of ethics in mainland China should be continuously revised, trainings in professional ethics for counselors need to be improved, and the design of the counseling ethical system should be strengthened.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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