


Narrative Analysis of Career Story of a College Counselor in Mainland China from Rural Areas


黃素菲(Su Fei Huang)


生涯故事敘說 ; 敘事分析 ; 生涯自我認同 ; 生涯意義結構 ; career narrative ; career meaning structures ; career self-identity ; narrative analysis




5卷1期(2017 / 09 / 01)


33 - 63






This study is a narrative analysis of a young high school counselor's career story who is from a rural area of Mainland China. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and Riessman's narrative qualitative research method was applied. Analysis was conducted following five steps: attending to experience, telling about experience, transcribing experience, analyzing experience, and reading experience. First study outcomes could answer the first research purpose: uncover the characteristics of the narrator's social context and clarify how it affects his career life. Second study outcome could answer the secondary research purpose: describe the narrator's constructed self-identity. Third study outcome could answer the third research purpose: re-constructing the narrator's career identities and transforming his meaning of life. The first study's outcomes were career themes and career meaning structures constructed under the contexts of family, education system, and an intimate relationship. The career theme constructed under a family context showed that as a caretaker he was too precocious and lacked social experiences. The career theme under an educational system context showed that he was driven by survival anxiety and had development a bull-like character. Also, like a pachinko pinball platform, his career path deviated from what he desired. The career theme under the intimate relationship was intertwined with family. one who could not say "no" to others, which led to him being rejected by his girlfriend. The second study's outcome was a meta story based on the characteristics of his constructed self-identify. The suppressed self has five constructed self-identity characteristics: 1. lack of subjective initiative; 2. hurried and test-response life; 3. ineffective time management that leads to emotional disorders; 4. neglect to take care of self needs; 5. capable in doing his work but incapable of being himself . The third study's outcome was the reconstruction of his career goal and transformation of his life's meaning - four career self-identities were renewed and three life meaning transformations were identified. Finally, suggestions for future research, career education, and career counseling are discussed and limitations of the study are explained.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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