


The Study of Session Impact and Counseling Satisfaction in the Initial Stage of Counseling: Students with Preoccupied Attachment Style from University Counseling Centers as Examples


陳慶福(Ching-Fu Chen);林妙容(Miao-Jung Lin)


晤談感受 ; 諮商滿意 ; 焦慮依附風格 ; session impact ; counseling satisfaction ; preoccupied with attachment style




6卷1期(2018 / 11 / 01)


1 - 20






The study investigated the change of session impact during the first three counseling sessions and the relationship between session impact and counseling satisfaction from clients who took counseling service in their university counseling centers. Participants of this study were 77 students who sought individual counseling between October, 2014 and January, 2016 from nine universities in Taiwan. The research instruments included the revised Session Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ-5) and the Counseling Satisfaction Inventory (CSI). The four dimensions of the revised SEQ-5, namely the depth, smoothness, positivity, and arousal, were moderately correlated with each other (.55-.72). Both the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Scheffé method showed significantly higher scores of the third session than those of the previous two sessions on the dimensions of depth, positivity, and arousal. Regarding the smoothness dimension, the scores of the second session were significantly higher than those of the first session. Findings of the stepwise regression analysis showed that the depth dimension explained 54.3% of the variance of counseling satisfaction. In addition, the dimensions of the depth and the positivity together explained 63.5% of the variance in counseling satisfaction. The major conclusion of this study shows the higher the scores on the dimensions of the depth and the positivity, the greater in counseling satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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